Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Monday, April 18, 2016
Sunday, March 9, 2014
The Sims 1 HD Mod
1440x1080. This is the highest 4:3 resolution you can get with a 1080p monitor!
This mod will make the game run in 1280x960 resolution. Not quite HD, but definitely better than 1024x768!
How to use: Extract to your Sims 1 install directory. **Back up the original sims.exe**. Create a shortcut (or add the game to steam) and add -w to the end of the location under Properties of the shortcut. This will launch 800x600 mode of the game, but it will actually be much larger!
This does have some glitches. The UI is a bit fudged, but not as badly as if you force the game into a resolution that isn't 4:3.
Check out image 3. See how the menu shows stuff wayyyy on the right side? That's because that part of the UI doesn't "refresh". So whatever was there stays there unless something else replaces it, if that makes sense. It's not a big deal in build/buy mode.
In live mode, you can read sim's motives perfectly. But when you click any other menu (job, inventory, etc) the screen doesn't "refresh" and things get layered on top of each other. So if you click Job and then Skills, it looks like both screens are open at the same time.
To fix this, simply click the buy mode icon before changing to another part of the menu. This makes the whole bar blue, so the menu you click shows up properly. It's confusing to read but it makes sense once you play. You just have to click to go to buy mode before you change to another sim menu.
[1280x960 Version](
[1440x1080 Version](
This mod will make the game run in 1280x960 resolution. Not quite HD, but definitely better than 1024x768!
How to use: Extract to your Sims 1 install directory. **Back up the original sims.exe**. Create a shortcut (or add the game to steam) and add -w to the end of the location under Properties of the shortcut. This will launch 800x600 mode of the game, but it will actually be much larger!
This does have some glitches. The UI is a bit fudged, but not as badly as if you force the game into a resolution that isn't 4:3.
Check out image 3. See how the menu shows stuff wayyyy on the right side? That's because that part of the UI doesn't "refresh". So whatever was there stays there unless something else replaces it, if that makes sense. It's not a big deal in build/buy mode.
In live mode, you can read sim's motives perfectly. But when you click any other menu (job, inventory, etc) the screen doesn't "refresh" and things get layered on top of each other. So if you click Job and then Skills, it looks like both screens are open at the same time.
To fix this, simply click the buy mode icon before changing to another part of the menu. This makes the whole bar blue, so the menu you click shows up properly. It's confusing to read but it makes sense once you play. You just have to click to go to buy mode before you change to another sim menu.
[1280x960 Version](
[1440x1080 Version](
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Expensive Plumbots SELL ADDON
This is a companion mod to More Expensive Plumbots that makes Plumbots sell for 5,000 simoleons (base cost) just like it costs 5,000 to create them.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Expensive Food Synthesizer
A non-replacement Food Synthesizer that costs 10,000 simoleons instead of the default 2,175.
More Expensive Plumbots
Pretty simple. Cost of making a Plumbot is 250 simoleons, cost of customizing one is 100. This changes that to 5,000 simoleons and 1,000 simoleons.
Will conflict with any mod that modifies the Bot Station.
Will conflict with any mod that modifies the Bot Station.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
The Sims 3: Into the Future Patch (Does not require ITF) Hard Mode Mod Pack: Back to The Sims 1 style of difficulty!
This is a pack of 4 mods that changes the dynamic of the game significantly.
The Sims 1 was very difficult and kind of like a Real Time Strategy title where you played as human beings and the enemies were daily life, but The Sims 3 is more like a dollhouse or a tamagotchi. This mod aims to make The Sims 3 more like a healthy blend of The Sims 2 and The Sims 1- Playable, but still hard enough to be called a video game.
These mods make bills harder, make motives more difficult to handle, and make buying food from the fridge directly (without any ingredients in your inventory) more expensive. These three things work together to make it harder for a sim to have a huge mansion right off the bat and they'll have to manage their mood and money carefully, as their higher bills mean that while they can pay for that house, they can't actually afford the bills on it unless you are saving money!
These mods work with ANY combination of EPs, including just the base game, and only require that you be fully updated.
----Smooth Motive Drop----
The Sims 1 was very difficult and kind of like a Real Time Strategy title where you played as human beings and the enemies were daily life, but The Sims 3 is more like a dollhouse or a tamagotchi. This mod aims to make The Sims 3 more like a healthy blend of The Sims 2 and The Sims 1- Playable, but still hard enough to be called a video game.
These mods make bills harder, make motives more difficult to handle, and make buying food from the fridge directly (without any ingredients in your inventory) more expensive. These three things work together to make it harder for a sim to have a huge mansion right off the bat and they'll have to manage their mood and money carefully, as their higher bills mean that while they can pay for that house, they can't actually afford the bills on it unless you are saving money!
These mods work with ANY combination of EPs, including just the base game, and only require that you be fully updated.
----Smooth Motive Drop----
This mod makes your sims motives drop at a smooth rate. Hunger normally drops at different rates depending on the value. "Empty" motives are at -100, and "Full" are at 100. Energy, Hunger, and Bladder all changed speeds depending on where they were between -100 and 100. A sim that was almost starving would have almost a full day to find a single apple to eat. With this mod, a sim that is almost starving still has some time, but will die if not attended to, and loses hunger enough throughout the day to require more than one meal. Elderly sims pee more often than younger sims. Little dogs pee more often than big dogs. Cats sleep all the time, etc.The new rates are as follows:
Bladder- 30 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty bladder in 6.5 hours.HUNGER
Bladder Toddler- 35 Per Hour. Toddlers will go from full to empty bladder in 5 hours and 40 minutes.
Bladder Baby- 35 Per Hour. Same as toddlers.
Bladder Elder- 40 Per Hour. Have fun tomb-raiding as an old person.
Bladder Horse- 35 Per Hour.
Bladder Cat- 20 Per Hour.
Bladder Big Dog- 30 Per Hour.
Bladder Little Dog- 40 Per Hour.
Hunger- 16 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty hunger in 12.5 hours. If a sim reaches significantly low hunger, they will starve SIGNIFICANTLY faster than in the base game. In the base game, mostly empty hunger still meant you had 24 hours to live. Now, mostly empty hunger means you've got a couple hours.ENERGY
Hunger Toddler- 18 Per Hour. Toddlers will go from full to empty in 11 hours. Feed them breakfast and feed them before bed! No more feeding them once per day. The social worker is onto you.
Hunger Baby- 16.875 Per Hour. This is actually the default, but now it doesn't get slower the hungrier the baby gets. Babies may have to be fed during the middle of the night- like real babies.
Hunger Horse- 15 Per Hour.
Hunger Cat- 16 Per Hour.
Hunger Dog- 16 Per Hour.
Hunger Little Dog- 18 Per Hour.
Energy- 10 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty energy in 20 hours. This lets sims go to sleep at the same time each night without their schedule going out of whack, because they won't ever be fully tired before bedtime as long as they get a full or near full sleep.----Harder Bills----
Energy Baby- 20 Per Hour.
Energy Toddler- 8
Energy Horse- Unchanged. Sleepy horses are not good for riding.
Energy Cat- 20 Per hour! Cats are sleepy.
Energy Dog- Unchanged.
Energy Little Dog- 10 Per Hour.
----More Expensive Food----In a nutshell, this part of the pack makes bills more expensive. They now come EVERY BUSINESS DAY OF THE WEEK, but you are now billed for 5% of the household value (1% with each new bill), instead of only 1.3%. Please read the other bullets to learn just what this means.
--With this mod, If your sim was, say, level 1 in the Business career, they'd bring in 810 simoleons in a week. For a 20,000 dollar home, their bills would be 1,000 simoleons a week, or 200 simoleons PER DAY! Woops! Can't afford the bills, sucks for you. A sim at level 1 business career could only afford a 16,000 dollar home, at 800 a week- but they wouldn't be able to afford food. This means a sim at level 1 business career must have a home of, say, 15k to live comfortably. That would cost 750 simoleons a week, allowing 60 for food. (Keep in mind this is with base game values- the food part of this mod pack will make it even harder!)
--In the base game, as long as a sim has a job, they can afford the bills. This is no longer true. You have to live within your means. You cannot have too high of household value until you get a few promotions. Even two sims at level 1 of the business career would struggle with a typical 20,000 dollar home. You have to save money now instead of spending it as soon as you get it.
Optional: Action Cancel Motives. This mod makes it so that sims will cancel actions earlier for a few different motives. Remember how Sims in The Sims 1 would whine about their mood being too low CONSTANTLY? This brings that back (Although not as badly, it's far more reasonable).Basically, this mod makes food purchased straight from the fridge (without owning the ingredients) more expensive.
--By default, the markup on food is 50%. If you don't own the ingredients required, the food costs 50% more from the fridge. This mod changes that to 500%.
--By default, waffles would cost a sim (who didn't have an egg in his inventory) 15 simoleons. With this mod, they will cost him 50. With an egg, they'll be free.
--Overall, this means that food is SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive if you don't do regular grocery shopping, and regular grocery shopping will save you a ton of money. Finally there's a reason to get groceries! As long as you keep track of what ingredients food requires, you'll save lots of money.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Hard Mode Pack 1.50
This is a pack of mods that makes the game harder and more game-like.
The pack includes:
-Smooth Motive Drop
This mod makes your sims motives drop at a smooth rate. See here for details. This is an alternate version which makes hunger drop more slowly when it gets particularly low so that NPCs at University are less likely to drop like flies.
--Burglars now try to steal 25% of the household value, instead of 5%, and the limit of value they can steal was raised from 20,000 to 200,000. This means that if your sim has a household value of 10,000, the burglar will try to steal 2,500 simoleons worth of stuff- which can be pretty devastating. If the house value is 200,000, the burglar will try to steal 50,000 simoleons worth of stuff. Since the limit is 200,000, the burglar will only try to steal under 25% of the household value once the house is worth over 800,000 dollars- since 25% of any value past that is over 200,000 dollars. The main idea of this part is to just make the burglary a more devastating experience for the sims who fall victim.
--Max items a burglar can steal is now 50, instead of 10. I am not sure if the burglar will actually try to steal 50 items if that is how many he needs to reach their attempted quota of 25% (say, if you filled a house with cheap knick-knacks, I don't know if the burglar would indeed take up to 50 of them before he would leave), but that is how this should work. Mostly I am just raising the limit so that the burglar will definitely keep stealing until they reach their quota, if they don't get caught. They will probably not have to steal 50 items to reach their quota.
--Chance of a burglar once EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE IS ASLEEP is now 5% instead of 2.5%.
-- Maximum amount of time AFTER EVERYONE GOES TO SLEEP that a burglar will show up is 6, instead of 4. The time the burglar comes is randomized between 0 and 6, meaning after everyone goes to bed a burglar could show up in 5 minutes or 5 hours, it's random.
--Minimum days between burglaries is now 7 instead of 4, to compensate for the higher chance of a burglar.
--Relationship drop with a burglar is now -150 instead of -20.
--For every 10,000 simoleons added to the household worth, the chance of a burglar increases by 1%. That means that when your household value is over 100,000, burglars will be a constant threat- at least once every 7 days. Your home is VERY attractive to burglars.
--A relationship of 50 with a burglar means they won't rob your house. It used to be 75. So if you happen to meet both burglars in the NPC pool at any given time and befriend them, you will never ever be robbed.
--With this mod, If your sim was, say, level 1 in the Business career, they'd bring in 810 simoleons in a week. For a 20,000 dollar home, their bills would be 1,000 simoleons a week, or 200 simoleons PER DAY! Woops! Can't afford the bills, sucks for you. A sim at level 1 business career could only afford a 16,000 dollar home, at 800 a week- but they wouldn't be able to afford food. This means a sim at level 1 business career must have a home of, say, 15k to live comfortably. That would cost 750 simoleons a week, allowing 60 for food. (Keep in mind this is with base game values- the food part of this mod pack will make it even harder!)
--Basically, you might have to do math to survive. Nooo! In the base game, as long as a sim has a job, they can afford the bills. This is no longer true. You have to live within your means. You cannot have too high of household value until you get a few promotions. Even two sims at level 1 of the business career would struggle with a typical 20,000 dollar home. You have to save money now instead of spending it as soon as you get it.
--By default, the markup on food is 50%. If you don't own the ingredients required, the food costs 50% more from the fridge. This mod changes that to 500%.
--By default, waffles would cost a sim (who didn't have an egg in his inventory) 15 simoleons. With this mod, they will cost him 50. With an egg, they'll be free (Not counting how the sim had to pay for the egg, of course.)
--Overall, this means that food is SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive if you don't do regular grocery shopping, and regular grocery shopping will save you a ton of money. Finally there's a reason to get groceries! As long as you keep track of what ingredients food requires, you'll save lots of money.
-More Expensive Burglar Alarm (Optional)
--Well, each package is optional, but what I mean is this isn't a default replacement. It is an alternate burglar alarm which costs a whopping 20,000 simoleons to install. No more advanced burglary systems in tiny poor shacks built in the middle of a swamp and owned by an old lady who makes money writing crappy romance novels.
Combined, these mods make the game much harder. You need to plan more. You need to make sure you live within your means. You have to buy groceries. A burglar alarm is pretty much a necessity but it is also an investment. Not paying the bills can cripple your sims' livelihoods.
Enjoy. :D
If you come across any bugs, please tell me!
The pack includes:
-Smooth Motive Drop
This mod makes your sims motives drop at a smooth rate. See here for details. This is an alternate version which makes hunger drop more slowly when it gets particularly low so that NPCs at University are less likely to drop like flies.
-Devastating Burglaries
put, this mod makes burglars much more devastating. They steal more and
are more likely to spawn. Read on for more details. --Burglars now try to steal 25% of the household value, instead of 5%, and the limit of value they can steal was raised from 20,000 to 200,000. This means that if your sim has a household value of 10,000, the burglar will try to steal 2,500 simoleons worth of stuff- which can be pretty devastating. If the house value is 200,000, the burglar will try to steal 50,000 simoleons worth of stuff. Since the limit is 200,000, the burglar will only try to steal under 25% of the household value once the house is worth over 800,000 dollars- since 25% of any value past that is over 200,000 dollars. The main idea of this part is to just make the burglary a more devastating experience for the sims who fall victim.
--Max items a burglar can steal is now 50, instead of 10. I am not sure if the burglar will actually try to steal 50 items if that is how many he needs to reach their attempted quota of 25% (say, if you filled a house with cheap knick-knacks, I don't know if the burglar would indeed take up to 50 of them before he would leave), but that is how this should work. Mostly I am just raising the limit so that the burglar will definitely keep stealing until they reach their quota, if they don't get caught. They will probably not have to steal 50 items to reach their quota.
--Chance of a burglar once EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE IS ASLEEP is now 5% instead of 2.5%.
-- Maximum amount of time AFTER EVERYONE GOES TO SLEEP that a burglar will show up is 6, instead of 4. The time the burglar comes is randomized between 0 and 6, meaning after everyone goes to bed a burglar could show up in 5 minutes or 5 hours, it's random.
--Minimum days between burglaries is now 7 instead of 4, to compensate for the higher chance of a burglar.
--Relationship drop with a burglar is now -150 instead of -20.
--For every 10,000 simoleons added to the household worth, the chance of a burglar increases by 1%. That means that when your household value is over 100,000, burglars will be a constant threat- at least once every 7 days. Your home is VERY attractive to burglars.
--A relationship of 50 with a burglar means they won't rob your house. It used to be 75. So if you happen to meet both burglars in the NPC pool at any given time and befriend them, you will never ever be robbed.
-Higher Taxes
a nutshell, this part of the pack makes bills more expensive. Theynow come EVERY BUSINESS DAY OF THE WEEK, but you are now billed for 5% of the household
value (1% with each new bill), instead of only 1.3%. Please read the
other bullets to learn just what this means.--With this mod, If your sim was, say, level 1 in the Business career, they'd bring in 810 simoleons in a week. For a 20,000 dollar home, their bills would be 1,000 simoleons a week, or 200 simoleons PER DAY! Woops! Can't afford the bills, sucks for you. A sim at level 1 business career could only afford a 16,000 dollar home, at 800 a week- but they wouldn't be able to afford food. This means a sim at level 1 business career must have a home of, say, 15k to live comfortably. That would cost 750 simoleons a week, allowing 60 for food. (Keep in mind this is with base game values- the food part of this mod pack will make it even harder!)
--Basically, you might have to do math to survive. Nooo! In the base game, as long as a sim has a job, they can afford the bills. This is no longer true. You have to live within your means. You cannot have too high of household value until you get a few promotions. Even two sims at level 1 of the business career would struggle with a typical 20,000 dollar home. You have to save money now instead of spending it as soon as you get it.
-Expensive Food (Ingredient Purchase Incentive)
Basically, this mod makes food purchased straight from the fridge (without owning the ingredients) more expensive.--By default, the markup on food is 50%. If you don't own the ingredients required, the food costs 50% more from the fridge. This mod changes that to 500%.
--By default, waffles would cost a sim (who didn't have an egg in his inventory) 15 simoleons. With this mod, they will cost him 50. With an egg, they'll be free (Not counting how the sim had to pay for the egg, of course.)
--Overall, this means that food is SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive if you don't do regular grocery shopping, and regular grocery shopping will save you a ton of money. Finally there's a reason to get groceries! As long as you keep track of what ingredients food requires, you'll save lots of money.
-More Expensive Burglar Alarm (Optional)
--Well, each package is optional, but what I mean is this isn't a default replacement. It is an alternate burglar alarm which costs a whopping 20,000 simoleons to install. No more advanced burglary systems in tiny poor shacks built in the middle of a swamp and owned by an old lady who makes money writing crappy romance novels.
Combined, these mods make the game much harder. You need to plan more. You need to make sure you live within your means. You have to buy groceries. A burglar alarm is pretty much a necessity but it is also an investment. Not paying the bills can cripple your sims' livelihoods.
Enjoy. :D
If you come across any bugs, please tell me!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Smooth Motive Drop 1.5/Uni
This is Smooth Motive Drop (Makes key motives like Hunger drop smoothly instead of changing speed depending on their current level, like in Sims 2) updated for 1.5 / University. It does NOT affect PlantSims, and may be updated to, depending on whether or not they're stupid.
WARNING: NPCs in Dorms are apparently complete idiots, and sometimes will not feed themselves. They die of hunger. A lot. I recommend always SERVING meals and "Call household to meal" every time you eat, because it looks like they've got something wrong with their AI. This mod does not afford them the 24+ hours of time to figure it out that the default game does.
WARNING: NPCs in Dorms are apparently complete idiots, and sometimes will not feed themselves. They die of hunger. A lot. I recommend always SERVING meals and "Call household to meal" every time you eat, because it looks like they've got something wrong with their AI. This mod does not afford them the 24+ hours of time to figure it out that the default game does.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Weather Mods: More Heat Shimmer in Summer, More Lightning
First mod makes the heat shimmer effect (Like in Egypt) show up at 80 degrees instead of the rare 90 degrees.
Second mod makes the lightning strikes happen more often, with less time between strikes (but not too much), and a higher chance that any given lightning strike will be on the currently active lot instead of in the distance. Also increases the chance of rainbows.
These mods modify two different files, so they are compatible with each other.
More Heat Shimmer
More Lightning
Second mod makes the lightning strikes happen more often, with less time between strikes (but not too much), and a higher chance that any given lightning strike will be on the currently active lot instead of in the distance. Also increases the chance of rainbows.
These mods modify two different files, so they are compatible with each other.
More Heat Shimmer
More Lightning
NPCs More Likely to Ask You to Move In
Makes AI sims ask YOU to move in WITH THEM more often. Some people don't even know
this is possible. If your sim has a high relationship, a friend might
ask them to move into their house. But the default chance of this is
only 1%, and only 2% if the relationship is romantic. I've bumped it up
to 50% and 100%. Don't worry, they'll only ask once every 3 days.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Smooth Motive Drop 1.42
Smooth Motive Drop
But updated for 1.42. Makes moods drop at a smooth constant rate instead of slowing down the lower they get. Does not affect Hygiene or Fun, and will slow down when a sim is Starving so sims don't drop like flies.
But updated for 1.42. Makes moods drop at a smooth constant rate instead of slowing down the lower they get. Does not affect Hygiene or Fun, and will slow down when a sim is Starving so sims don't drop like flies.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Supernatural Mod- Convert Collectible Spell costs 200 Magic
The Conversion Ritual Spell is way too overpowered.
This mod makes it use 200 of your Witch's magic (Instead of 30MP) and drops the chance of an EP7 gem from 20% to 10%. Therefore, you cannot use the spell again until your Magic is almost fully recharged.*
*You CAN use the spell again, as with all spells, but because you won't be able to afford it, it will backfire. It uses around 70% of your magic pool (the XML implies 200 is the whole pool, but in-game, that's not the case) so you'll want to wait until you're SURE you can afford it to use it!
This mod makes it use 200 of your Witch's magic (Instead of 30MP) and drops the chance of an EP7 gem from 20% to 10%. Therefore, you cannot use the spell again until your Magic is almost fully recharged.*
*You CAN use the spell again, as with all spells, but because you won't be able to afford it, it will backfire. It uses around 70% of your magic pool (the XML implies 200 is the whole pool, but in-game, that's not the case) so you'll want to wait until you're SURE you can afford it to use it!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Sims 2 Style Camera
This is a no-drift camera, which allows you to pitch to a very low level, with the added bonus of making the camera focus like The Sims 2.
In Sims 3, the camera focuses on a sim's feet. If you right click their portrait to center them on the screen, they're actually taking up the top half, sometimes not even showing their head- because the camera is centered on their feet.
With this mod, the camera centers on their torso, just above the belly button- just like in Sims 2. Remember zooming in all the way and seeing their torso? If you zoom in all the way in Sims 3, you get a nice view of the floor. Not anymore.
Here is where the camera would center by default. Note that the center of the image is the bottom of the sim- under the chair.
Here's where it centers with this mod.
Here is full zoom on a standing sim before...
And here is after.
In Sims 3, the camera focuses on a sim's feet. If you right click their portrait to center them on the screen, they're actually taking up the top half, sometimes not even showing their head- because the camera is centered on their feet.
With this mod, the camera centers on their torso, just above the belly button- just like in Sims 2. Remember zooming in all the way and seeing their torso? If you zoom in all the way in Sims 3, you get a nice view of the floor. Not anymore.
Here is where the camera would center by default. Note that the center of the image is the bottom of the sim- under the chair.
Here's where it centers with this mod.
Here is full zoom on a standing sim before...
And here is after.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Smooth Motive Drop 1.31/Showtime
The old Smooth motive Drop will completely make your game unplayable, so replace it with this.
This is a mod that makes the Hunger, Bladder, and Energy motives drop at a smooth, constant rate.
In the base game, motives change speed depending on how high or low they are. When Hunger is at -81 (the motives range from -100 to 100), the speed drops to a decay of less than 1 per hour. When hunger is above -61, it goes at a rate of 12 per hour. I changed this so that hunger drops at a smooth and constant rate. That way, when it's halfway empty, it is literally halfway empty. When it's close to empty, your sim is literally close to starving to death. The rate slows a tiny, tiny bit when a sim/pet is "Starving", but they will still actually be close to death a la The Sims 1 when that bar is way down in the red. So pay the hell attention.
The new rates are as follows:
Bladder- 30 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty bladder in 6.5 hours.
Bladder Toddler- 35 Per Hour. Toddlers will go from full to empty bladder in 5 hours and 40 minutes.
Bladder Baby- 35 Per Hour. Same as toddlers.
Bladder Elder- 40 Per Hour. Have fun tomb-raiding as an old person.
Bladder Horse- 35 Per Hour.
Bladder Cat- 20 Per Hour.
Bladder Big Dog- 30 Per Hour.
Bladder Little Dog- 40 Per Hour.
Hunger- 16 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty hunger in 12.5 hours. If a sim reaches significantly low hunger, they will starve SIGNIFICANTLY faster than in the base game. In the base game, mostly empty hunger still meant you had 24 hours to live. Now, mostly empty hunger means you've got a couple hours.
Hunger Toddler- 18 Per Hour. Toddlers will go from full to empty in 11 hours. Feed them breakfast and feed them before bed! No more feeding them once per day. The social worker is onto you.
Hunger Baby- 16.875 Per Hour. This is actually the default, but now it doesn't get slower the hungrier the baby gets. Babies may have to be fed during the middle of the night- like real babies.
Hunger Horse- 15 Per Hour.
Hunger Cat- 16 Per Hour.
Hunger Dog- 16 Per Hour.
Hunger Little Dog- 18 Per Hour.
Energy- 10 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty energy in 20 hours. This lets sims go to sleep at the same time each night without their schedule going out of whack, because they won't ever be fully tired before bedtime as long as they get a full or near full sleep.
Energy Baby- 20 Per Hour.
Energy Toddler- 8
Energy Horse- Unchanged. Sleepy horses are not good for riding.
Energy Cat- 20 Per hour! Cats are sleepy.
Energy Dog- Unchanged.
Energy Little Dog- 10 Per Hour.
This is a mod that makes the Hunger, Bladder, and Energy motives drop at a smooth, constant rate.
In the base game, motives change speed depending on how high or low they are. When Hunger is at -81 (the motives range from -100 to 100), the speed drops to a decay of less than 1 per hour. When hunger is above -61, it goes at a rate of 12 per hour. I changed this so that hunger drops at a smooth and constant rate. That way, when it's halfway empty, it is literally halfway empty. When it's close to empty, your sim is literally close to starving to death. The rate slows a tiny, tiny bit when a sim/pet is "Starving", but they will still actually be close to death a la The Sims 1 when that bar is way down in the red. So pay the hell attention.
The new rates are as follows:
Bladder- 30 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty bladder in 6.5 hours.
Bladder Toddler- 35 Per Hour. Toddlers will go from full to empty bladder in 5 hours and 40 minutes.
Bladder Baby- 35 Per Hour. Same as toddlers.
Bladder Elder- 40 Per Hour. Have fun tomb-raiding as an old person.
Bladder Horse- 35 Per Hour.
Bladder Cat- 20 Per Hour.
Bladder Big Dog- 30 Per Hour.
Bladder Little Dog- 40 Per Hour.
Hunger- 16 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty hunger in 12.5 hours. If a sim reaches significantly low hunger, they will starve SIGNIFICANTLY faster than in the base game. In the base game, mostly empty hunger still meant you had 24 hours to live. Now, mostly empty hunger means you've got a couple hours.
Hunger Toddler- 18 Per Hour. Toddlers will go from full to empty in 11 hours. Feed them breakfast and feed them before bed! No more feeding them once per day. The social worker is onto you.
Hunger Baby- 16.875 Per Hour. This is actually the default, but now it doesn't get slower the hungrier the baby gets. Babies may have to be fed during the middle of the night- like real babies.
Hunger Horse- 15 Per Hour.
Hunger Cat- 16 Per Hour.
Hunger Dog- 16 Per Hour.
Hunger Little Dog- 18 Per Hour.
Energy- 10 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty energy in 20 hours. This lets sims go to sleep at the same time each night without their schedule going out of whack, because they won't ever be fully tired before bedtime as long as they get a full or near full sleep.
Energy Baby- 20 Per Hour.
Energy Toddler- 8
Energy Horse- Unchanged. Sleepy horses are not good for riding.
Energy Cat- 20 Per hour! Cats are sleepy.
Energy Dog- Unchanged.
Energy Little Dog- 10 Per Hour.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Bands not Integrating with Singers in Showtime
There are a few simple facts nobody is taking into account re: bands not integrating with the showtime singers.
1. Bands were not built to have singers. It is not as simple as "just make them work together". The bands do not play the kind of music that typically has vocalists, and the music they do play is all short, repeating sections of music. There is no way to simply add singing to this. The music doesn't sound like it should be sung to, and if it was, it'd be the same short snippet of simlish over...and over...and over.
2. Singing was not built to go with the bands. Bands play eternally, forever, until you stop them. Singing does not work this way. The performance aspect of Showtime means that sets last a limited amount of time, and sims perform limited interactions- the songs they sing will not last forever until you make them stop. It is extremely unlikely they'll work that way- it is extremely likely that they'll be specail individual songs.
3. These singers are all built around the music playing itself- they're stage performers, like on American Idol. Or they're karaoke singers. Neither of those have a thing to do with a live band.
4. The bands themselves are very much like Garage bands. They start at home, they play crappy bars, they don't ever quite get to the point where they're on stage- never, ever, at any point in time have the bands been big show famous people bands. They're all local bands. This could be changed, yes, but I'm talking *right now*. That's what they *are*.
What this means is that to integrate singing and the bands,
the entire structure of bands would have to be redone.
The bands would need entirely new music. Do you know what that means? That means various songs for each skill level of each instrument. Assuming a bare minimum of, say, 4 songs, that's 4 songs x 4 instruments x 10 skill levels, or 160 individual songs. This isn't a matter of "laziness"- 160 individual songs, even if they're not even a minute long each, is a lot. That is a LOT of time, a lot of money, a lot of planning, a lot of work. The fact that bands exist at all is impressive from this standpoint, but redoing them completely to integrate with singers is silly.
They'd have to add new animations, too- singers work in such a way that you orchestrate their performance as it goes along. You choose when they do special animations and junk like that to make the show better, you pick the next song when it's time based on audience requests, stuff like that. the band would have to do this too. The drummer would need cool flourishes and the guitar guy would likely play in crazy ways, stuff like that. And these would be independent of the singer- because remember, you're looking at a complete overhaul of the bands so they can be Showtime-style performers- singer or no singer.
And perhaps the biggest reason- Since modifying the bands to work with the singers would be an absolute necessity, this means that in order to have the complete band experience, one would need two expansion packs. Lots of people beg for cross-expansion features, but absolutely nobody wants to have to buy two packs to get one full feature. Nobody.
This is mostly speculation- but there's nothing countering any of it. If people can speculate "All they'd have to do is just DO IT", which is obviously wrong and a gross oversimplification, surely I can speculate "In order to integrate the performance-style vocalists with bands, they'd have to integrate the simple and hometown bands with the vocalists", which is at least grounded in reason. ;)
Would love it if the people on MTS saw and commented on this.
1. Bands were not built to have singers. It is not as simple as "just make them work together". The bands do not play the kind of music that typically has vocalists, and the music they do play is all short, repeating sections of music. There is no way to simply add singing to this. The music doesn't sound like it should be sung to, and if it was, it'd be the same short snippet of simlish over...and over...and over.
2. Singing was not built to go with the bands. Bands play eternally, forever, until you stop them. Singing does not work this way. The performance aspect of Showtime means that sets last a limited amount of time, and sims perform limited interactions- the songs they sing will not last forever until you make them stop. It is extremely unlikely they'll work that way- it is extremely likely that they'll be specail individual songs.
3. These singers are all built around the music playing itself- they're stage performers, like on American Idol. Or they're karaoke singers. Neither of those have a thing to do with a live band.
4. The bands themselves are very much like Garage bands. They start at home, they play crappy bars, they don't ever quite get to the point where they're on stage- never, ever, at any point in time have the bands been big show famous people bands. They're all local bands. This could be changed, yes, but I'm talking *right now*. That's what they *are*.
What this means is that to integrate singing and the bands,
the entire structure of bands would have to be redone.
The bands would need entirely new music. Do you know what that means? That means various songs for each skill level of each instrument. Assuming a bare minimum of, say, 4 songs, that's 4 songs x 4 instruments x 10 skill levels, or 160 individual songs. This isn't a matter of "laziness"- 160 individual songs, even if they're not even a minute long each, is a lot. That is a LOT of time, a lot of money, a lot of planning, a lot of work. The fact that bands exist at all is impressive from this standpoint, but redoing them completely to integrate with singers is silly.
They'd have to add new animations, too- singers work in such a way that you orchestrate their performance as it goes along. You choose when they do special animations and junk like that to make the show better, you pick the next song when it's time based on audience requests, stuff like that. the band would have to do this too. The drummer would need cool flourishes and the guitar guy would likely play in crazy ways, stuff like that. And these would be independent of the singer- because remember, you're looking at a complete overhaul of the bands so they can be Showtime-style performers- singer or no singer.
And perhaps the biggest reason- Since modifying the bands to work with the singers would be an absolute necessity, this means that in order to have the complete band experience, one would need two expansion packs. Lots of people beg for cross-expansion features, but absolutely nobody wants to have to buy two packs to get one full feature. Nobody.
This is mostly speculation- but there's nothing countering any of it. If people can speculate "All they'd have to do is just DO IT", which is obviously wrong and a gross oversimplification, surely I can speculate "In order to integrate the performance-style vocalists with bands, they'd have to integrate the simple and hometown bands with the vocalists", which is at least grounded in reason. ;)
Would love it if the people on MTS saw and commented on this.
Friday, January 13, 2012
About Missing Downloads
Mediafire has seen to delete random downloads for no reason. As of right now, nothing I have is guaranteed to be available, and anything unavailable likely will not be re-uploaded, as I likely don't have it anymore.
I'm hoping to find a site other than mediafire. Mediafire will remove files if they get any sort of copyright complaint against them without attempting to verify those claims. For example, my Historical Society lot was recently removed from mediafire because a band did a sweeping search of all files containing "Historical Society" in the title and put claims against them! So my tiny little sims 3 lot file that maybe 70 people had downloaded was removed forever just because they wanted it to be. So I will not be using mediafire anymore as soon as I find a good alternative.
I'm hoping to find a site other than mediafire. Mediafire will remove files if they get any sort of copyright complaint against them without attempting to verify those claims. For example, my Historical Society lot was recently removed from mediafire because a band did a sweeping search of all files containing "Historical Society" in the title and put claims against them! So my tiny little sims 3 lot file that maybe 70 people had downloaded was removed forever just because they wanted it to be. So I will not be using mediafire anymore as soon as I find a good alternative.
Smooth Motive Drop 1.29 PETS
This is a mod that makes the Hunger, Bladder, and Energy motives drop at a smooth, constant rate.
In the base game, motives change speed depending on how high or low they are. When Hunger is at -81 (the motives range from -100 to 100), the speed drops to a decay of less than 1 per hour. When hunger is above -61, it goes at a rate of 12 per hour. I changed this so that hunger drops at a smooth and constant rate. That way, when it's halfway empty, it is literally halfway empty. When it's close to empty, your sim is literally close to starving to death. The rate slows a tiny, tiny bit when a sim/pet is "Starving", but they will still actually be close to death a la The Sims 1 when that bar is way down in the red. So pay the hell attention.
The new rates are as follows:
Bladder- 30 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty bladder in 6.5 hours.
Bladder Toddler- 35 Per Hour. Toddlers will go from full to empty bladder in 5 hours and 40 minutes.
Bladder Baby- 35 Per Hour. Same as toddlers.
Bladder Elder- 40 Per Hour. Have fun tomb-raiding as an old person.
Bladder Horse- 35 Per Hour.
Bladder Cat- 20 Per Hour.
Bladder Big Dog- 30 Per Hour.
Bladder Little Dog- 40 Per Hour.
Hunger- 16 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty hunger in 12.5 hours. If a sim reaches significantly low hunger, they will starve SIGNIFICANTLY faster than in the base game. In the base game, mostly empty hunger still meant you had 24 hours to live. Now, mostly empty hunger means you've got a couple hours.
Hunger Toddler- 18 Per Hour. Toddlers will go from full to empty in 11 hours. Feed them breakfast and feed them before bed! No more feeding them once per day. The social worker is onto you.
Hunger Baby- 16.875 Per Hour. This is actually the default, but now it doesn't get slower the hungrier the baby gets. Babies may have to be fed during the middle of the night- like real babies.
Hunger Horse- 15 Per Hour.
Hunger Cat- 16 Per Hour.
Hunger Dog- 16 Per Hour.
Hunger Little Dog- 18 Per Hour.
Energy- 10 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty energy in 20 hours. This lets sims go to sleep at the same time each night without their schedule going out of whack, because they won't ever be fully tired before bedtime as long as they get a full or near full sleep.
Energy Baby- 20 Per Hour.
Energy Toddler- 8
Energy Horse- Unchanged. Sleepy horses are not good for riding.
Energy Cat- 20 Per hour! Cats are sleepy.
Energy Dog- Unchanged.
Energy Little Dog- 10 Per Hour.
This idea wasn't met with the best reception from people elsewhere, but screw them, I think it's a nice idea and I appreciate the idea that if my sim doesn't eat there are severe consequences, rather than a full two days they can go without me getting them any food. Some people might want it, so here you go!
This mod makes use of the MOTIVES xml. It will probably conflict with anything that edits WHEN moodlets show up. There are 4 total xmls dedicated to motives, but it will only conflict with those that edit this one in particular. It shouldn't conflict with any mods that make moodlets more or less extreme, and it works fine with Awesomemod.
In the base game, motives change speed depending on how high or low they are. When Hunger is at -81 (the motives range from -100 to 100), the speed drops to a decay of less than 1 per hour. When hunger is above -61, it goes at a rate of 12 per hour. I changed this so that hunger drops at a smooth and constant rate. That way, when it's halfway empty, it is literally halfway empty. When it's close to empty, your sim is literally close to starving to death. The rate slows a tiny, tiny bit when a sim/pet is "Starving", but they will still actually be close to death a la The Sims 1 when that bar is way down in the red. So pay the hell attention.
The new rates are as follows:
Bladder- 30 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty bladder in 6.5 hours.
Bladder Toddler- 35 Per Hour. Toddlers will go from full to empty bladder in 5 hours and 40 minutes.
Bladder Baby- 35 Per Hour. Same as toddlers.
Bladder Elder- 40 Per Hour. Have fun tomb-raiding as an old person.
Bladder Horse- 35 Per Hour.
Bladder Cat- 20 Per Hour.
Bladder Big Dog- 30 Per Hour.
Bladder Little Dog- 40 Per Hour.
Hunger- 16 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty hunger in 12.5 hours. If a sim reaches significantly low hunger, they will starve SIGNIFICANTLY faster than in the base game. In the base game, mostly empty hunger still meant you had 24 hours to live. Now, mostly empty hunger means you've got a couple hours.
Hunger Toddler- 18 Per Hour. Toddlers will go from full to empty in 11 hours. Feed them breakfast and feed them before bed! No more feeding them once per day. The social worker is onto you.
Hunger Baby- 16.875 Per Hour. This is actually the default, but now it doesn't get slower the hungrier the baby gets. Babies may have to be fed during the middle of the night- like real babies.
Hunger Horse- 15 Per Hour.
Hunger Cat- 16 Per Hour.
Hunger Dog- 16 Per Hour.
Hunger Little Dog- 18 Per Hour.
Energy- 10 Per Hour. Sims will go from full to empty energy in 20 hours. This lets sims go to sleep at the same time each night without their schedule going out of whack, because they won't ever be fully tired before bedtime as long as they get a full or near full sleep.
Energy Baby- 20 Per Hour.
Energy Toddler- 8
Energy Horse- Unchanged. Sleepy horses are not good for riding.
Energy Cat- 20 Per hour! Cats are sleepy.
Energy Dog- Unchanged.
Energy Little Dog- 10 Per Hour.
This idea wasn't met with the best reception from people elsewhere, but screw them, I think it's a nice idea and I appreciate the idea that if my sim doesn't eat there are severe consequences, rather than a full two days they can go without me getting them any food. Some people might want it, so here you go!
This mod makes use of the MOTIVES xml. It will probably conflict with anything that edits WHEN moodlets show up. There are 4 total xmls dedicated to motives, but it will only conflict with those that edit this one in particular. It shouldn't conflict with any mods that make moodlets more or less extreme, and it works fine with Awesomemod.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Champs Les Pets Park
This is an updated version of the small park in the center of town in Champs Les Sims, for use with Twallan's Traveller mod or for Champs Les Sims base world. It adds various dog and cat equipment so your pets can anjoy the park too! It also makes the park significantly less hideous.
Requires World Adventures and Pets.
Requires World Adventures and Pets.
(Sorry to use 4shared, mediafire is not cooperating! All other downloads are still hosted on mediafire, though.)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Less Filling Food
This mod makes pretty much all food less filling. The MAXIMUM amount of Hunger any sim can get from any food is now 150 as opposed to 200.
Before, the best food around would be able to bring a sim back from being one point away from death all the way to completely full. Now, if a sim is 1 point from death (1), they will only be able to go up to 151, or about 3/4 of the way through their motive bar. This is because sims should be eating more often than only when htey are about to starve. Makes it easier to have meals throughout the day rather than just one big one at breakfast and a snack later.
It also makes each meal a little less filling in general. Snacks now can't give any more than 30 points of hunger. You can no longer eat a snack and fill more than half your hunger! Juice is now also much less filling. It also makes Simbots gain pretty much no hunger from any food (except scrap).
Made with and for patch 1.26, edits the EatHeldFood xml.
Before, the best food around would be able to bring a sim back from being one point away from death all the way to completely full. Now, if a sim is 1 point from death (1), they will only be able to go up to 151, or about 3/4 of the way through their motive bar. This is because sims should be eating more often than only when htey are about to starve. Makes it easier to have meals throughout the day rather than just one big one at breakfast and a snack later.
It also makes each meal a little less filling in general. Snacks now can't give any more than 30 points of hunger. You can no longer eat a snack and fill more than half your hunger! Juice is now also much less filling. It also makes Simbots gain pretty much no hunger from any food (except scrap).
Made with and for patch 1.26, edits the EatHeldFood xml.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Paradise Revisited (Playable Paradise with prebuilt lots and Pets compatibility!)
Remember Paradise? It was a world I made. A small tropical island. But it didn't have anything on it.
Now that we have a couple EPs and our sims can survive pretty well without jobs, I've built it into someplace worth living in. It now features a public garden, lookout, graveyard, two houses (one occupied), a playground, and a beach hangout/study area. There are a few empty lots for you to do as you wish.
Horses, Deer, and Raccoons will spawn. I placed quite a few small pet spawners too. Cats can find small pets via hunting. The wild animals (horses for sure, not sure about others) don't disappear to an NPC pool- they hang around on the island 24/7. :)

POSSIBLE ISSUE: Paradise initially had an issue where sims spawned at a random spot, ran away from it, and disappeared. These were NPCs being spawned by the world. They...may not ever stop doing this. They aren't an intrusion, though.
You can not use any service requiring a road. You cannot order pizza, adopt a pet, have a maid, etc. If you want to get a pet, you must either make it in CAS, hope for a neighbor to spawn an adoption, adopt a stray, or spawn one with debug commands.
You need the World Adventures version of Paradise to play. Also requires Grant's OMSP. This save game requires World Adventures, Ambitions, Generations, and Pets. Place the files from the .zip in Documents/ElectronicArts/TheSims3/Saves.
Now that we have a couple EPs and our sims can survive pretty well without jobs, I've built it into someplace worth living in. It now features a public garden, lookout, graveyard, two houses (one occupied), a playground, and a beach hangout/study area. There are a few empty lots for you to do as you wish.
Horses, Deer, and Raccoons will spawn. I placed quite a few small pet spawners too. Cats can find small pets via hunting. The wild animals (horses for sure, not sure about others) don't disappear to an NPC pool- they hang around on the island 24/7. :)

POSSIBLE ISSUE: Paradise initially had an issue where sims spawned at a random spot, ran away from it, and disappeared. These were NPCs being spawned by the world. They...may not ever stop doing this. They aren't an intrusion, though.
You can not use any service requiring a road. You cannot order pizza, adopt a pet, have a maid, etc. If you want to get a pet, you must either make it in CAS, hope for a neighbor to spawn an adoption, adopt a stray, or spawn one with debug commands.
You need the World Adventures version of Paradise to play. Also requires Grant's OMSP. This save game requires World Adventures, Ambitions, Generations, and Pets. Place the files from the .zip in Documents/ElectronicArts/TheSims3/Saves.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
NPCs more likely to ask YOU to move in with THEM (1.26)
This is an update of a looooong ago mod that made AI sims askyou to move in more often. Some people don't even know this is possible. If your sim has a high relationship, a friend might ask them to move into their house. But the default chance of this is only 1%, and only 2% if the relationship is romantic. I've bumped it up to 50% and 100%. Don't worry, they'll only ask once every 3 days.
Friday, October 28, 2011
More or Less Wild Animals (A hundred flavors- Testing)
More Strays- Also makes strays stay on the lot longer (at least 2 hours, at most 4) and show up more often (At least one every 48 hours). DOES NOT INCREASE THE NUMBER OF STRAYS IN THE WORLD. This is a compatibility package for the following packages so that they actually do something. You NEED THIS. Maximum 5 is default. What this does is determines how many strays the game world can create at max, REGARDLESS of how many possible strays there are of any given type.
Stray Modifiers:
No wild Horses (Unicorns still spawn)
No wild Horses (No Unicorns)
No Deer
No Raccoons
No Cats
No Dogs
More Deer
More Raccoons
Only Raccoons
Only Deer
Only Horses (and Unicorns)
Only Dogs
Only Cats
Only Unicorns
Only download ONE of the above! They all change the same file so they are not compatible with each other. If you would like any other combination, they are very easy to edit. Open them in S3PE and find where it says:
And simply change the numbers for whatever type of animal you want. You can change how many are available for adoption or breeding ("Stallion") as well. I am not entirely sure what EP5Max_MinSpec does, so just make it the same number as EP5Max.
Stray Modifiers:
No wild Horses (Unicorns still spawn)
No wild Horses (No Unicorns)
No Deer
No Raccoons
No Cats
No Dogs
More Deer
More Raccoons
Only Raccoons
Only Deer
Only Horses (and Unicorns)
Only Dogs
Only Cats
Only Unicorns
Only download ONE of the above! They all change the same file so they are not compatible with each other. If you would like any other combination, they are very easy to edit. Open them in S3PE and find where it says:
And simply change the numbers for whatever type of animal you want. You can change how many are available for adoption or breeding ("Stallion") as well. I am not entirely sure what EP5Max_MinSpec does, so just make it the same number as EP5Max.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
More Expensive Pet Food
This multiplies the cost of pet food by 5 or 10, to 50 or 100 simoleons. It does not change how much food the bowl fills with.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Autonomous Pet Woohoo and Less Chance For Pet Pregnancy (Testers Wanted)
So hey, autonomous pet woohooing. Seems reasonable.
Default pregnancy rate for dogs and cats: 60%.
New pregnancy rate: 2%.
Mods are separate just in case you want to have hundreds of puppies without trying.
Default pregnancy rate for dogs and cats: 60%.
New pregnancy rate: 2%.
Mods are separate just in case you want to have hundreds of puppies without trying.
Less Chance to Startle Deer
This mod halves the chance a sim will startle a deer. Pretty simple.
This file also changes the Wildlife Friend skill or whatever it is. By default someone with this skill (I honestly don't know what it is, might be hidden?) gets the chance of startling dropped by 20. Since this mod drops the chance of startling a deer at mid-range distance to 25, I have dropped this to 5. Once the skill is maxed, it normally drops the chance by 100- meaning the sim can get right up to the animal no problem. This mod will drop that to 50. This is because the chance to startle a deer when you're very close is now 47, so there's no need for it to be that high. It also means that you won't get an enormous jump in your sims' ability to approach animals just by getting one skill point.
Not entirely sure how all that works, but the gist of it is that this will make it harder to startle deer, no matter what.
This file also changes the Wildlife Friend skill or whatever it is. By default someone with this skill (I honestly don't know what it is, might be hidden?) gets the chance of startling dropped by 20. Since this mod drops the chance of startling a deer at mid-range distance to 25, I have dropped this to 5. Once the skill is maxed, it normally drops the chance by 100- meaning the sim can get right up to the animal no problem. This mod will drop that to 50. This is because the chance to startle a deer when you're very close is now 47, so there's no need for it to be that high. It also means that you won't get an enormous jump in your sims' ability to approach animals just by getting one skill point.
Not entirely sure how all that works, but the gist of it is that this will make it harder to startle deer, no matter what.
Tougher Bills (updated for Pets)
This is a mod that makes billing much harder. Now updated for Pets!
The default billing rate is .013 the value of a sim's household. This means that if your house was worth exactly 20k, you would be billed 260 simoleons a week. This raises it to .05, meaning a home worth 20k would bring 1,000 simoleon bills each week.
That means that if your sim was, say, level 1 in the Business career, they'd bring in 810 simoleons in a week. Woops! Can't afford the bills, sucks for you. A sim at level 1 business career could afford a 16,000 dollar home, at 800 a week- but they wouldn't be able to afford food. This means a sim at level 1 business career must have a home of, say, 15k to live comfortably. That would cost 750 simoleons a week, allowing 60 for food.
A criminal sim at level 1 will bring in 510 a week, meaning they could live in a 9,000 simoleon house with minor discomfort.
Two sims working business and law enforcement at level 1 would bring in 2010 simoleons a week. They could easily live in a 20k home.
Level 1 jobs are no longer something sims can live on, especially if living on their own. You will NOT be able to afford a comfortable house until you work for it or get promoted. Part time jobs won't properly pay for a single sim's housing until they get to level 3.
With the base game a sim at level 3 of the culinary career, bringing in 1170 per week, could easily afford a 50k house (650 per week). Not so now- they'd need 2500 to do so- something they won't get until level SIX! (Unless they have a partner or roommate)
This means you will have POOR sims. This means you will NEED to advance in a job. This means writers, painters, etc will NEED a part time job. This makes disposable income MUCH harder to come by. It makes saving important- don't go and immediately spend as much money as you can when making a new sim, you damn well better do the math to make sure they can actually afford the house you're building for them! The more money you make, the more expensive your home can be, and the easier it is to sustain it. The more money-bringers you have the easier it is, as well.
The default billing rate is .013 the value of a sim's household. This means that if your house was worth exactly 20k, you would be billed 260 simoleons a week. This raises it to .05, meaning a home worth 20k would bring 1,000 simoleon bills each week.
That means that if your sim was, say, level 1 in the Business career, they'd bring in 810 simoleons in a week. Woops! Can't afford the bills, sucks for you. A sim at level 1 business career could afford a 16,000 dollar home, at 800 a week- but they wouldn't be able to afford food. This means a sim at level 1 business career must have a home of, say, 15k to live comfortably. That would cost 750 simoleons a week, allowing 60 for food.
A criminal sim at level 1 will bring in 510 a week, meaning they could live in a 9,000 simoleon house with minor discomfort.
Two sims working business and law enforcement at level 1 would bring in 2010 simoleons a week. They could easily live in a 20k home.
Level 1 jobs are no longer something sims can live on, especially if living on their own. You will NOT be able to afford a comfortable house until you work for it or get promoted. Part time jobs won't properly pay for a single sim's housing until they get to level 3.
With the base game a sim at level 3 of the culinary career, bringing in 1170 per week, could easily afford a 50k house (650 per week). Not so now- they'd need 2500 to do so- something they won't get until level SIX! (Unless they have a partner or roommate)
This means you will have POOR sims. This means you will NEED to advance in a job. This means writers, painters, etc will NEED a part time job. This makes disposable income MUCH harder to come by. It makes saving important- don't go and immediately spend as much money as you can when making a new sim, you damn well better do the math to make sure they can actually afford the house you're building for them! The more money you make, the more expensive your home can be, and the easier it is to sustain it. The more money-bringers you have the easier it is, as well.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Grandma's House Collection
A collection of items to decorate Grandma's house, including Grandpa's chair. Nobody else can sit in it!
I've discovered that if you save an object's specific recolor, that recolor is the one saved to the thumbnail in a collection. It also becomes auto-selected when the object is taken from the collection. So the objects are colored in the collection as you see them here, for quick and easy placement if you like the colors. :)
Remember- you CAN use collections that contain items you don't have. You just won't see those items in the list.
I've discovered that if you save an object's specific recolor, that recolor is the one saved to the thumbnail in a collection. It also becomes auto-selected when the object is taken from the collection. So the objects are colored in the collection as you see them here, for quick and easy placement if you like the colors. :)
Remember- you CAN use collections that contain items you don't have. You just won't see those items in the list.
Missionaire Collection
The Mission item set in The Sims 3 is totally ridiculous. Tons of the objects do not say "Missionaire" in the name. Some say "Mission" instead of missionaire. Some have spanish-influenced names. Some don't. So finding all the items in regular play is downright impossible.
So hey, here's all the Mission items along with some Mission-like items and some walls and floors I felt went with them, all in one collection. The collection icon is that of a Spanish-ish cluster of buildings, like the ones in Pleasantview in Sims 2. :D
To install, place the file in Documents/ElectronicArts/TheSims3/Collections/User.
So hey, here's all the Mission items along with some Mission-like items and some walls and floors I felt went with them, all in one collection. The collection icon is that of a Spanish-ish cluster of buildings, like the ones in Pleasantview in Sims 2. :D
To install, place the file in Documents/ElectronicArts/TheSims3/Collections/User.
HOW TO: Share Collections
Step 1. Make a collection.
Step 2. Exit the game. (Do not make multiple collections to share at once- their files are not named and you may get confused when sharing them.)
Step 3. Go to MyDocuments/ElectronicArts/TheSims3/Collections/User
Step 4. Arrange the folder by Date Modified. Find the package file that matches the time you last added something to your collection. It should be the most recent file.
Step 5. Change the name! You can rename collection files. Give it a really good descriptive name so people know what they've got.
Step 6. Share it!
All it takes to share the collection is that one single file. Another player sticks it into their Collections/User folder and it appears in game! You can use objects from any expansion/stuff pack and even custom content- the objects simply won't appear in the collection if the other player does not have them.
Step 2. Exit the game. (Do not make multiple collections to share at once- their files are not named and you may get confused when sharing them.)
Step 3. Go to MyDocuments/ElectronicArts/TheSims3/Collections/User
Step 4. Arrange the folder by Date Modified. Find the package file that matches the time you last added something to your collection. It should be the most recent file.
Step 5. Change the name! You can rename collection files. Give it a really good descriptive name so people know what they've got.
Step 6. Share it!
All it takes to share the collection is that one single file. Another player sticks it into their Collections/User folder and it appears in game! You can use objects from any expansion/stuff pack and even custom content- the objects simply won't appear in the collection if the other player does not have them.
Pool Collection
If you add this to your ElectronicArts/TheSims3/Collections/User folder, you'll get a Pool collection, containing all sorts of pool-relevant objects. The collection does include things from each expansion/stuff pack, but it will work fine regardless of which expansions/stuff packs you have. It simply will not show objects you do not have.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Smooth Motive Drop (Forgiving version)
This is a new version of Smooth Motive Drop (1.24). In the old version, hunger, hygiene, and energy dropped at a constant rate instead of slowing down and speeding up based on how high/low they were.
This is the same thing, except when hunger reaches -81, it slows significantly to give you time to save your sim's life. With the original version, if you waited too long to start feeding your sim, they could easily die during cooking.
This is the same thing, except when hunger reaches -81, it slows significantly to give you time to save your sim's life. With the original version, if you waited too long to start feeding your sim, they could easily die during cooking.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Smooth Motive Drop updated for 1.24
This updates the Smooth Motive Drop mod to work with 1.24. All settings are the same. 1.24/generations added a special energy decay for toddlers. I did not alter it, so toddler energy will not drop smoothly. Toddlers are stupid.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Old Pier Water Park
A replacement for Old Pier Beach which turns it into a water park of sorts. Sleeping bags, a tree house, a small pool overlooking a water feature slip and slide so parents can watch their kids, and a fountain to play in!
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